How do I set up Xero bank feed connection?

Login your Capay account


Find “Connection” management page under “Management” menu:


Click the “Connect” button in connection page to authorize Capay to sync up bank feed to your Xero organization. Moving forward, Capay will release more connection services under “Connection” page for you to manage all those 3rd party connections.

The system will popup the below screen to let you confirm to be redirected to Xero to finish the Authorization step.


After confirming the above, you will be redirected to Xero, where you can log in to your Xero account and select the target organization you wish to connect to your Capay account. Please click “Allow Access” to complete the authorization process. Once authorized, Capay will be able to sync Bank Feed data with your Xero organization.


After authorization, you will be redirected into Capay, and start to connect specific currency with your Bank Account in Xero. You could find the below information in this page:

Organization name : The organization you authorize Capay to access.

Currency : The currencies your e-wallet has at the moment, the numbers depend on how many currencies you have used before.

Available balance : The current balance of each currency.

Last Sync Time : Capay will record the timestamp of last syncing up and display it.

Status : The status of the connection, it will show as “connected” if this currency is connected with Xero bank account, and show as “Disconnected” if there is no valid connection.

Action : Connect or Disconnect the connection.


After click “Connect” button, Capay will ask you to either choose an existing Xero bank account or create a new Xero bank account to connect with selected currency. Please check if there is existing bank account in Xero or not before connect the specific currency.
