What is Order?
In Order, you can create orders to exchange currency at their ideal rate within an adjustable Conversion Limit and an expiry (Good Till Cancel or Good Till Date). Orders can be amended or canceled before being placed.
How can I create an order?
- Select Buy Currency & Sell Currency, Indicative Rate will be shown for reference, and change as Buy Currency and Sell Currency changeNote: You can edit either Buy Amount or Sell Amount, the other amount will be automatically calculated based on the Order Rate.
- Whether the Indicative Rate is valid or not, you can enter your ideal Order Rate
- Select expiry typei. Good Till Cancel (The order will be in process until cancelled by the customer.)ii. Good Till Date (The order will be in process before the expiry date, which is based on the time zone of your profile.)
- Enter your comment, which is optional
- Click PlaceAn order will be created immediately after filling in and confirming all the required information.
After an order is created, what status will it be in?
- If the Buy Amount exceeds the Conversion Limit, its original status will be PENDING APPROVAL.
- If the Buy Amount does not exceed the Conversion Limit, its original status will be PROCESSING and pending Treasury’s further operation.