
By creating a conversion, you can exchange a certain amount of Sell Currency into Buy Currency, with which you can top up your E-Wallet balance or use it in payments.

How can I create a conversion?

  1. Fill in the amount you want to send or buy, and select the Sell/Buy Currency

  2. Select the Buy/Sell Currency

Note: the amount you will receive is calculated based on the valid rate, which you cannot edit. The buy amount has exceeded your Online Trading Limit for a single trade. If you want to change this limit, please contact your admin for help.

By clicking the lock on the left you can lock or unlock this field.

  1. Select a valid Settlement Date

  2. Select a Settlement Method.

  3. Enter a comment for this conversion, which is optional

  4. After placing the conversion, you can check the conversion status, amend or cancel the conversion, and set priority in My Conversions.

How can I pay for the conversion?

If you have enough amount of the Sell Currency in your E-Wallet, you can pay with your E-Wallet balance.

If you have linked a Direct Debit account and are sending AUD to other currencies, you can pay by Direct Debit.

If you are sending other currencies or you have no Direct Debit account, you can pay by Wire Transfer, manually sending money to our account.